Assignment 2: PART B – Question 2

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  1. Find one (1) headline that you came across recently and thought it was great. Explain why it resonated with you. Please ensure that you base your answers on topics discussed in class. (6 Marks)

Headline: “Sexy Oompa Loompa and AI-generated ‘gibberish’ turn Wonka experience into viral joke”

I came across this headline “Sexy Oompa Loompa and AI-generated ‘gibberish’ turn Wonka experience into a viral joke” and I thought it was great as it immediately caused a reaction from me, generating an immediate reaction to it. It resonated with me as I just recently watched the new movie “Wonka” that came out a couple of months ago and was immediately intrigued by the use of the words “Sexy” and “Oompa Loompa”, as they are words I wouldn’t expect to see together within the same sentence. The contradiction of non-sexualized characters along with mentioning of attractiveness and AI is something that sparks curiosity in the minds of a lot of readers. 

As discussed in class, one of the criteria for a good headline is that it should get the reader’s attention because if it fails to make an immediate impression, readers will stop reading and move on to another one, losing them forever. Additionally, it includes the name of the event that the article is about: “Wonka Experience” which would help with getting traffic from anyone looking up “Wonka Experience” on their search query. It promises the reader the most interesting they have in the article, making them compelled to read it, which worked on me. 

The headline calls for attention as it is unique or “one of a kind” and it creates a sense of wonder for the reader, capturing their attention with wording that will catch their attention. Additionally, another reason why this headline is great is because the language used appeals to the target audience, as words like “sexy” and “viral joke” are more likely to appeal to the younger demographic that is active online, it uses language that resonates with the target audience.

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